BCCA Abstract Information
The BCCA Annual Conference 2024 will feature four separate abstract submission streams – BCCA, BACCNA, CCNA and PECSIG.
. Up to 6 abstracts will be chosen from each stream for oral presentations, which will be built into each of the BCCA, PECSIG or CCNA programmes and presented on the relevant day/s of the conference. Other successful applicants will be invited to present posters of their work. The abstract should describe new work developed by the participants and should not include studies commissioned by or performed for an external agency. Our intention is to inspire participants to communicate new findings and original observations and posters should, therefore, not have been previously displayed at other meetings. If any participant would like to submit an abstract but is not sure whether their work fulfils these conditions, please e-mail ellie@cfsevents.co.uk and ask for clarification. Please note: in addition to submitting your abstract you must also register for the event.
One table or figure (max 1MB) is permitted.
Tables do not contribute to total word count.
If you have any questions regarding your submission, please email ellie@cfsevents.co.uk.
Please note: if your abstract is successful, you will need to register for the BCCA conference.
Submitting you abstract does not mean that you have registered to attend.
The abstract prize is kindly provided by the Madeleine Steel Charitable Trust.
For further information on abstracts, please contact:
Email: ellie@cfsevents.co.uk
Tel: +44(0) 1438 751519